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ISSN : 1225-2964(Print)
ISSN : 2287-3317(Online)
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences Vol.22 No.2 pp.125-133

한우개량프로그램에 유전체정보 활용방안

김형철1, 이승환1*, 조용민2, 김시동2, 임다정3, 박응우2, 오성종3, 홍성구1
국립축산과학원 한우시험장1, 농촌진흥청2, 국립축산과학원 축산생명환경부3

Genomic Information and Its Application in Hanwoo (Korean Native Cattle) Breeding Program - A Mini Review

Seung-Hwan Lee1*, Hyeong-Cheol Kim1, Yong-Min Cho2, Sidong Kim2, Dajeong Lim3, Eung-Woo Park2, Sung-Jong Oh3, Seong-Koo Hong1
1Hanwoo Experiment Station, National Institute of Animal Science, R.D.A.
2Research Policy Bureau, Rural Development Administration
3National Institute of Animal Science, R.D.A.


Economic traits are quantitative traits and are mostly controlled by a large number of genes. Some thesegenes tend to have a large effect on quantitative traits in cattle and are known as major genes primarilylocated at quantitative traits loci (QTL). However, in practice, QTL is linked to allele associates of the genecontrolling traits of interest. It is hypothesized that if QTL explaining a part of genetic differences betweenanimals are detected, the effect of the genes located at QTL could assist in estimating an animal’s truegenetic value. Therefore, QTL information could probably provides accuracy of breeding value estimation aswell as more genetic gain through selection of animals at relatively younger age. Marker assisted selection(MAS) is the indirect selection process where a quantitative trait of economic importance is selected not justbased on the trait itself but also on the basis of marker linked to QTL. MAS could be useful for traits thatare difficult to measure, exhibit low heritability, and are expressed late in development. Major genes whichare responsible for QTL could possibly be identified first by using different techniques such as geneexpression analysis and QTL mapping. Thereafter, the information generated could be implemented for MASin estimating breeding value. In this review we focused on delivering genome information into Hanwoobreeding program.
