Interspecies Hybridization in Animals: An Overview
Naresh Kumar Singh*, Abu Musa Md. Talimur Reza, Sung-Jin Lee
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.149-163
Open abstract
Transgenesis of Pigs for Xenotransplantation Crisis - an Update
Naresh Kumar Singh2*, Supriya Shiwani, Myeong Hyeon Wang
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.54 No.1 pp.59-73
Open abstract
Effect of Enzyme and Yeast Extract Supplement on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Parameters in Hanwoo Steers
Young Han Song5*, Jae Jung Ha, Byung Ki Kim, Dong Yep Oh, Jea Young Lee, Young Kyoon Oh, Sun Bok Lee, Jong Bok Kim
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.2 pp.102-113
Open abstract
Analysis of The Causative Agents of Disease Occurred in Korean Black Goats
Changyong Choe1*, Dong-Soo Son1, Sun-Ho Choi1, Tai-Young Hur1, Young-Hun Jung1, Seog-Jin Kang1, Dawon Kang2 and Eung-Gi Kwon1
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.54 No.1 pp.33-38
Open abstract
Genetic Characterization of the Bovine Y-chromosomal Microsatellite Markers in the Korean Native Cattle Breeds
Jae-Hwan Kim1*, Sawgwon Suh1,2, Young-Sin Kim, Chang-Yeon Cho, Mi-Jeong Byun, Seong-Bok Choi, Sang-Woo Kim, Yeoung-Gyu Ko, Hyun-Tae Lim
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.2 pp.89-96
Open abstract
Physico-chemical Meat Quality and Nutritional Composition of 10 Cuts for Hanwoo Steer Beef of Quality Grade 1
Soohyun Cho*, Geunho Kang, Pilnam Seong, Sunmoon Kang, Kyungmi Park, Youngchun Kim, Beomyoung Park
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.2 pp.147-156
Open abstract
Association of 6 SNPs and Economic and Meat Quality Traits in Korean Native Pigs
Sung-Jin Lee1*, Hun Kim, Jin-woo Kim, Sairom Park, Young-Sub Lee, Min-Wook Hong, Seung-Kyu Lee, Kyung Soo Lee, Jung-Il Won, Jeong-Koo Lee, Sung Ki Lee, Hak-Kyo Lee
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.1 pp.8-15
Open abstract
Comparison of In vitro and In vivo Anti-oxidant Effects of Loach Muscle Peptides
Kwan Ha Park*, Gwi-suk Lee, Sang-Hoon Choi
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.112-118
Open abstract
National Management System for Conservation of Livestock Genetic Resources: An Overview
Jae-Hwan Kim1*, Seong-Bok Choi, Mi-Jeong Byun, Young-Sin Kim, Myung-Jick Kim, Yun-Ho Choy, Dong-Hun Kim, Eung-Gi Jeong, Kyung-Soo Kang, Kyung-Ho Kim
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.142-148
Open abstract
A C1786T SNP of the MC4R gene Association with Economic Traits in Korean Native Brindle and Black Cattle
Sung-Jin Lee1*, Young-Sub Lee, Sairom Park, Hun Kim, Jin-woo Kim, So-Young Choi, Ji-Yeon Lee, Jun-Seop Lee, Ki-Beom Kim, Jong-Woon Park, Young-Han Song, Hak-Kyo Lee
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.1 pp.1-7
Open abstract
Effect of Parity on Meat Quality and Composition of Loin and Top Round Muscles from Hanwoo Cow Beef
Soohyun Cho*, Pilnam Seong, Geunho Kang, Yngki Kwon, Youngmoo Cho, Sun Moon Kang, Kyoungmi Park, Youngchun Kim, Beomyoung Park
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.95-103
Open abstract
Oxidative Stability of Hanwoo (Korean Cattle) Cow Beef by Age
Soohyun Cho*, Sun Moon Kang, Pilnam Seong, Geunho Kang, Beomyoung Park
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.104-111
Open abstract
Current Status about Association of SNPs on Economic Traits in Beef Cattle (An Overview)
Sung-Jin Lee1*, Hun Kim, Sairom Park, Young-Sub Lee, Hak-Kyo Lee
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.1 pp.69-78
Open abstract
Effects of Different Levels of Soybean Curd Residue as an Ingredient of TMR on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Holstein Steers
Sang Min Lee*, Won Mo Cho, Sang Rae Cho, In Chul Cho, Hyun Seok Chae, Nam Young Kim, Yong Sang Park, Shin Ae Oh, Moon Suck Ko
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.24 No.1 pp.44-51
Open abstract
Association Between a SNP of Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase-1 (SCD1) Gene and Economic Traits using PCR-RFLP in Hanwoo
Sung-Jin Lee1*, Sairom Park1, Min-wook Hong1, Hun Kim1, Seung-kyu Lee1, Yeung-sub Lee1, Jin-woo Kim1, Young-Han Song1, Ki-Beom Kim2, Jae-Don Oh3, Hak-Kyo Lee3, Jung-woo Choi4
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.54 No.1 pp.1-7
Open abstract
The Effect of Feeding Whole-crop Barley Silage on Feed Intake, Body Weight, Velvet Antler Yields and Economic Efficiency in Growing Sika Deer
Sang Woo Kim1*, Sei Hyung Yoon, Young Moo Cho, Sun Ho Choi, Sang Won Suh, Dong hoon Kim, Won-Ho Kim, Sung Seo, Jae Hong Park
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.89-94
Open abstract
The Effects of Marinating with Commercial Vinegars on the Quality Characteristics of Biceps Femoris Muscle on Hanwoo
Pil-Nam Seong1*, Jin-Hyoung Kim, Soo-Hyun Cho, Geun-Ho Kang, Beom-Young Park, Kyoung-mi Park, Dong Hoon Kim, Dawoon Jeong
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.54 No.1 pp.26-32
Open abstract
Effect of Dietary Cottonseed Meal Supplementation on Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Hanwoo (Korean Cattle) Bulls
Sung Ki Lee2*, Sun Moon Kang, Muhlisin, Jong-Suh Shin, Soohyun Cho, Beomyoung Park, Seokgeun Jung
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.54 No.1 pp.19-25
Open abstract
Estimation of the Effects of Performance Testing Day, Testing Protocol and the other Environmental Factors on Economic Traits in Pigs
Jae Gwan Choi1*, Hyo Joong Kwon, Yun Ho Choy, Byoung Ho Park, Tae Jeong Choi, Seoung Soo Lee, Kwang Hyun Cho, Jong Bok Kim, Im Su Choi
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.75-83
Open abstract
Gene Expression Profiling in Porcine Primary Chondrocyte Cells Treated with Bee Venom using Microarray
Sung-Jin Lee1*, Sairom Park, Yeung-sub Lee, Jin Woo Kim, Hun Kim, So-young Choi, Ji-yeon Lee, Naresh Kumar Singh, Jae-Don Oh, Hak-Kyo Lee
Annals of Animal Resource Sciences :: Vol.23 No.2 pp.119-126
Open abstract